Understanding AC Tune-Up

ac tune up

If you have an air conditioner, you should regularly undertake AC tune-up. There are many reasons why you should tune up your appliance.

Benefits of tuning up your air conditioner

Tuning up your air conditioner comes with plenty of advantages. Some of these advantages include:

Increase in efficiency: When you are tuning up your appliance, you get rid of dirt, dirty filters, and other parts that reduce the AC’s efficiency. As a consequence, you improve the unit’s efficiency thus saving yourself a lot of money.

Increase in lifespan: Tuning up the air conditioner not only increases its efficiency, it also increases its lifespan. Inefficient air conditioners work harder than they should which results in a reduced lifespan. When the AC contractor increases the efficiency of the appliance, he/she increases the lifespan of the unit as it doesn’t work harder than it should. During tune-up, the contractors also remove the faulty parts that would reduce the appliance’s lifespan which further contributes to the durability of the air conditioner.

You avoid emergency repairs: When you regularly tune up your air conditioner, the contractors can pick even the most minor problems and fix them before they get worse. This saves you the agony of hiring expensive emergency AC repair professionals to fix the appliance when it stops working in the middle of the night.

You keep the air conditioner looking good: AC cleaning is one of the steps of AC tuning. When you clean your appliance, it not only runs more efficiently, it also looks great which gives you a great feeling.

What AC tune-up entails

A successful tune-up procedure entails many things that include:

Inspection of the system: The contractor should inspect the entire AC system including the vents and fix any issues it might be having.

Cleaning: As mentioned above, air conditioner cleaning is an important part of the tune-up process. The AC expert should clean the AC coils, condenser line, and any other areas that might be dirty.

Lubrication: Just like other moving units, the moving parts of the air conditioner require lubrication. The contractor should lubricate all the parts for them to last for a long time and also increase the AC’s efficiency.


This is what you need to know about air conditioner tune up. If your unit is making weird noises or you haven’t tuned it up for more than a year, it’s time to hire an HVAC company to give it a look.

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