Furnace Repair: 3 Major Causes Of Furnace Failures

furnace repair

During winter, the furnace is of great importance. Unfortunately, just like any other unit in your home, the furnace can develop problems and fail to work. According to furnace repair professionals, there are many reasons why your furnace can fail. Some of these reasons include:

Poor furnace maintenance

Homeowners know that they need to take good care of their furnaces for them to continue working effectively for long and last for a long time. Unfortunately, studies show that only a few homeowners give their furnaces the care that they deserve. Due to the neglect, the furnaces fail. One of the basic things that you should do as a homeowner is to replace the air filter. Dirty air filters not only decrease the quality of indoor air, they also reduce the efficiency of the furnace thus the unit works harder than it should. When it works harder for a long time it’s bound to fail. To keep your unit in great shape you should hire an HVAC company at least once a year to inspect the system and fix even the most minor problems that it might be having.

Problems with the furnace thermostat

The thermostat directs the furnace when to work and when to remain cool. When the thermostat is malfunctioning, it’s common for it to develop failures. One of the reasons why the thermostat can malfunction is due to problems inside it. It’s also common for the thermostat to develop problems when it’s improperly installed. According to heating unit repair professionals, most of the inexperienced contractors install thermostats in the wrong areas of the house. Most of the contractors install them in areas where they are unable to detect the warm air. Others install them in areas where they pick the wrong signals. For example, when installed near an outside entryway or in direct sunlight the heat sensors pick the wrong signal thus turn on and off when they shouldn’t. To fix this problem you should hire a contractor to inspect the system.

Malfunctioning of the furnace ignition control

The current heating units have two types of ignition systems: intermittent pilot and hot surface ignition systems. When the control functions of these ignition systems fail, the furnace fails to work and as a result, your home isn’t heated. When your furnace has failed you should ask the home heating repair professional to inspect the ignition controls and repair or replace them when necessary.

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