How Are Area Oriental Rugs Cleaned?

area oriental rugs

With so many ways of cleaning rugs, if you recently bought oriental rugs, you must be wondering, how are area oriental rugs cleaned?

Oriental rugs are made from a variety of materials, including: silk, wool, and cotton. This means you can clean them in different ways, depending on the material used in making them. Some of the ways of cleaning them include:

Vacuuming them

Vacuuming gets rid of dirt and debris from the rug. For best results, vacuum the rug every two weeks. A properly vacuumed rug looks and smells new, giving your house a pleasing look.

Vacuuming the rug is simple. Lay the rug on the ground and vacuum it slowly, removing pet hair, dirt, and any abrasives that might be present. To remove any dirt from the rug, repeat this process at least three times.

When vacuuming, take care to use vacuum cleaners on the fringes as they can get stuck in the sweeper. Also, ensure that you vacuum in the direction of the rug fibers. Not against them.

Sweeping the rug

This is an old method that has been around for a long time. Get a broom with straw bristles and sweep it from one end to the other. Take care not to move the broom back and forth as you may end up damaging the rug.

The purpose of sweeping the rug is to get rid of the dust and give the fibers a refreshed feel.

Shaking the dust away

If the rug doesn’t have a lot of dirt, shaking it can get rid of the little dirt present. Simply take your area rug outside and shake the dirt out. If the rug is too big, use an extra hand.

Some homeowners resort to beating the area rug, but don’t do this as it wears out the rug and even sometimes damages it.

Having a professional clean them.

At least once a year, it’s recommended you have the rug cleaned by a professional. A professionally clean rug is bright, hygienic and retains its look for a long time. If you don’t have the money, you can still clean the rug yourself at home.

Before you begin the cleaning, find out whether the rug bleeds color when submerged in water. If the rug is safe, vacuum/wipe/shake it to remove the dirt.

Spray both sides of the rug with cold water then rinse it with a long-haired soft brush. You can also use a non-shedding sponge. When lathering, do it in the direction of the nap then spray water to remove dirt and detergent.

Once you are done, leave the rug to dry. If in a hurry, use a fan or squeegee to speed things up.

What not to do when cleaning the area rug

Regardless of the nature of the stain, don’t use harsh chemicals to remove it. Some people use vinegar and other chemicals, but you shouldn’t. The acidic nature of vinegar can make the staining worse, so you should stay clear of it.

You also should stay away from harsh cleaning agent that can ruin the rug for good.

As mentioned above, stay away from beating the rug as you will destroy it.

How can you keep the rug in top condition all the time?

Other than cleaning the rug once a week, there are plenty of other things you can do to keep the rug in top condition. Some of these things include:

Spot clean the rug: As soon as a mishap happens, get rid of it as soon as possible. This will prevent the stain from getting deeper and difficult to remove.

Never walk on the rug with shoes: When you walk on your tribal rugs Vienna VA with shoes, you deposit plenty of dirt; hence you have to keep on cleaning them.

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