HVAC Contractors: Tips On How To Cool Your House Without Spending Much

hvac contractors

We can all agree that the cost of energy has been on a steady rise. The cool thing is that there a number of ways of reducing the cost. If you have an air conditioner, here are tips on how to keep cool without getting broke:

Buy the right air conditioner

Your choice for an air conditioner should be informed by the size of your house. There are many air conditioning units in the market and you can easily buy the wrong one. To buy the right unit, get advice from experienced HVAC contractors. If you are looking to cool the entire house go for a large, powerful unit, but if looking to only cool one room, a window air conditioner is enough.

Always check the star rating of the air conditioner

According to AC professionals, energy star air conditioners are 15% more efficient than other units. The star rating is placed on a sticker. When making the purchase, keep your eyes open for the sticker. Remember that the more the stars on the sticker, the more energy efficient the air conditioner is.

Keep your air conditioner in good condition

A poorly maintained air conditioner consumes plenty of power. For your air conditioner to be efficient you should replace and clean air filters once a month. According to AC technicians, doing this reduces energy consumption by 5-15%. In addition to this you should also check and clean the evaporator coil once every year.

You should also straighten bent foil fins, clean debris and leaves from the fan and snake out drain channels in order to prevent clogging. If you have a central air conditioning unit, take a look at it and ensure that none of the registers are blocked.

Ease the strain on your air conditioner

Cooking has been shown to put a lot of strain on air conditioners making them less efficient. During the hot days, cook outside. This is important if you are grilling. If you have to cook indoors, use a slow cooker. While cooking use a range hood fan that will suck hot air from the kitchen.


These are tips on how to use your air conditioner without spending much. Other ways of keeping cool at a low price include: Using a programmable thermostat, keeping the windows closed, and turning off the lights when you aren’t using them. When maintaining the unit, ensure that the work is handled by experienced AC contractors.

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