What Is the Most Efficient Way to Run a Heat Pump?

heat pumps repair

The cost of living is going up every day. As such, everyone is actively looking for ways to increase their cumulative income to live sustainably. In addition, anything that helps save a few bucks is always much welcome. 

One of the bills that weigh heavily on many homeowners’ minds is the heating bill – winters can be cruel sometimes. So what is the most efficient way to run a heat pump in winter without digging a hole in your pocket? 

Here are a few proven ideas given by heat pump repair professionals that will not only help you keep your electricity bill in check but also allow you to contribute to environmental conservation positively. 

Best Tips to Optimize the Efficiency of Your Heat Pump

These tips are divided into three major categories;

Maintenance and care

Generally, heat pumps are low maintenance. That means that they do not require a lot of regular repairs and replacements. However, following a manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule is vital to ensure that your machine remains in top shape. 

Scheduling a professional heat pump servicing at least once a year will ensure that issues are dealt with as soon as they arise.

Also, ensure to clean both the indoor and outdoor units regularly. If the grates and coils on the outdoor unit are dirty, the appliance struggles to maintain optimal airflow, which causes it to consume much more energy and speed up general wear and tear. 

This is the same case with the indoor unit; dirty filters make the machine work harder to provide the same quality of service, therefore consuming more energy. Ensure to replace and clean the filters as recommended by the manufacturer on the instruction manual.

Operation & settings

An efficient heat pump is one that is working gradually to regulate the temperature in the room. This means that a room will not cool down faster by turning the thermostat all that way to the lowest. 

A heat pump is designed to slowly but steadily regulate and maintain your desired temperature. Therefore, try to avoid adjusting the thermostat every time the temperature fluctuates. This ends up consuming a lot more energy than anticipated.  

Also, consider the ‘Heat’ or ‘Cool mode of the thermostat instead of the ‘Auto’ mode to avoid random switchovers. This is much more efficient and helps save more energy.

The machines placement

Is your heat pump the right size for the area it is heating? Is it strategically placed to ensure efficiency? Is the room sufficiently insulated to prevent heat from escaping? 

These questions will help you maximize the efficiency of your heat pump. For example,  if the heat pump is too small for the area it is working on, it will need to work harder to produce the desired results. This will not only consume more energy it will also significantly reduce the lifespan of your machine. 

Also, the placement of the heat pump significantly contributes to its efficiency. For example, if the heat pump is placed in the hallway or close to an open window, the heat produced will escape outside instead of staying in the room to regulate the temperature – therefore, the pump works harder to produce more heat. 


Sometimes it is not clear what you might be doing wrong. You might check all the boxes above and still get an electricity bill higher than the previous month. 

Therefore, although you can check and ensure that you are following all the above suggestions, it is also advisable to work with qualified heat pump repair services Chantilly to help you figure out if everything is up to standards. 

A professional will evaluate your situation and let you know the best solution to help you save more energy, and while at it, save a few bucks. 

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