When to Cut Down a Tree on Your Property

tree services

Sometimes just like pets, the trees in your backyard become part of the family. They are Mother-nature’s masterpiece. They are beautiful, comforting and they can be a source of beautiful memories. 

It is, therefore, understandable that it might be hard to let go. However, sometimes it is just unavoidable. So how do you know when to cut down a tree on your property? This article aims to give you the possible signs that it is time to hire tree services to remove the tree. 

What Are the Signs That a Tree on My Property Needs to Be Cut Down?

The benefits of trees are endless. But if a tree is sick or dead, the adverse effects might quickly surpass the positives. In such a case, it is advisable to cut down the tree and avoid any safety hazards. Hence here are some of the signs. 

The Tree Has Invasive Roots.

Sometimes, the tree might get its naughty little roots (or even branches) in places that it shouldn’t. For example, trees with horizontal roots might grow and eventually invade the rest of the property, causing destruction.

The roots will grow and stretch and eventually start fighting with your foundation for space or even get into the septic tank. If this happens, consult your local arborist and see if it could be pruned if it needs to go immediately. 

Fungus Growth

Fungi is a sign of an already sick tree or a tree that is dying soon. Fungi cause tree diseases such as root rot and canker disease. The fungi and mushrooms grow on the areas of the tree that is already rotting. 

Once you notice fungi on your tree, the tree will soon lose vigor and will quickly wither and eventually discolor. If you suspect that the damage to the tree is extensive, it is advisable to cut down the tree. 

The tree looks sickly and without vigor.

Even without noticeable fungi, a tree can start slowly losing its life. The once majestic tree is now only a shadow of itself. Dying trees are a source of numerous safety hazards, and it is advisable to cut them down as soon as possible. 

Other than the likelihood of spreading the disease to all the other vegetation in the surrounding area, they can easily fall and cause serious damage to the property and infrastructure in the neighborhood. 

Symptoms of a sick tree are; excessive leaf drop, weak branches, peeling bark, discoloration, rotting roots, and stem, etc. 

Shoots Are Growing Around the Tree. 

If small shoots start growing near the trunk base, it is a sign that the tree is under severe distress. This usually occurs when the tree is under stress, and it is a sign that the tree might die soon. 

Although this is not a common problem, it is advisable to get a professional arborist to help you determine whether a tree needs to be removed, or diagnosed and treated to solve the problem.

The Tree is Unattractive or Difficult to Maintain

Sometimes, the reason does not need to be grand and sad. It might be as simple as a tree that is not suitable for your home’s aesthetic or not pleasing to the eye. Or maybe, the tree needs a lot more than you can provide. Whatever the reason, it is ok to let it go. Do not feel sad and blame yourself. 

Is it Legal to cut down trees on private property? 

Contrary to popular belief, it is perfectly legal to cut down trees on private property, as long as the city does not protect them. Every city has its own Tree Protection Ordinance, which regulates the removal of trees. 

To know whether your tree is protected, visit this website, select your city and read the local laws regarding tree cutting. Alternatively, call your local arborist in your area to get guidance on the law requirements. 

Now cut down the tree.

If your tree falls under any of the above signs, it is perfectly okay and legal to contact a tree removal services Maryland to cut it down. Now prepare your tools and get to work. If this is not your cup of tea, call an expert. 

For every tree, you cut, plant two. So do not let the area go to waste. Consult with the arborist and find a suitable tree to grow in the now vacant space. 

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