What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Chimney? Chimney Contractors Answer

Chimney Contractors

As a homeowner, you have been hearing you need to clean your chimney regularly. Have you ever asked, what happens if you don’t clean your chimney? Here are some of the things that can occur as given by chimney contractors:

You are at more risk of a chimney fire.

From its name, a chimney fire is a fire that begins in the chimney. When you don’t clean your fireplace for a long time, creosote builds up, leaving highly combustible glazing inside the chimney. When the chimney gets hot, this glazing can easily catch fire that not only burns in the fireplace but also quickly spreads to the other parts of the house.

When you regularly clean your chimney, creosote doesn’t buildup, so you are less likely to have a chimney fire.

You put your life at risk.

When you don’t clean your chimney, your chimney is obstructed by creosote and other materials. As a result, carbon monoxide from the burning wood doesn’t leave the house. What is the consequence of this? You inhale the fumes which compromise your oxygen supply to the brain and body. When you continue inhaling the fumes, you risk death.

Some of the telltale signs you have inhaled copious amounts of carbon monoxide are: dizziness, fainting, nausea, and headaches.

You risk smoke damage.

If you go for a long time without cleaning the chimney, soot accumulates around the flue, which reduces the chimney’s ability to draw the smoke upwards. The smoke then comes back into the house, where it leaves black spots on the furniture, carpeting, and walls.

In some cases, it leads to permanent staining around the chimney giving your house an old, ugly look.

You risk damaging the masonry.

The residue from the burning fuel can cause the masonry to wear out fast, and as a result, you have to undertake expensive repairs. The accumulated soot mixes with water, which produces acids that weaken the mortar and the chimney liners.

Although the process is slow, when you let it go on for a long time, it significantly affects the integrity of your home to the extent of the entire building coming down. When you clean the chimney, you reduce the amount of deposited soot; hence harmful acid is less likely to form.

You increase the chances of the flue getting damaged.

When you regularly clean the chimney, you have an easy time collecting the residues collected on the liner; however, if you let them sit for a long time, they absorb moisture, become tar-like and begin sliding down the flue.

When you run the chimney without cleaning it, the moisture in the mixture will evaporate, leaving a shiny surface without any gaps glued to the flue sides. The flammable substances are challenging to remove in this state, so they gradually reduce the flue diameter, which further compromises your health and your home’s safety.

You should clean your chimney.

As you have seen above, there are plenty of risks that come with failing to clean your chimney. To eliminate the risks, you should have an annual chimney cleaning schedule. You can do the cleaning by yourself, but for ideal results, let a chimney sweep services Bowie handle it.

To reduce the frequency, you have to clean the chimney, watch the type of wood you burn. As a rule of thumb, only burn seasoned wood. You also should avoid burning pressure-treated or painted wood as it will hasten the creosote buildup or even create toxic fumes that are dangerous to your family members.

When it comes to hiring a cleaning professional, ensure they are certified and experienced to provide the services.

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