What Is A Good Size Above Ground Swimming Pool?

pool contractors

If you are asking, what is a good size above the ground swimming pool, you must be thinking about installing an above ground swimming pool but not sure the right size you should go for, right?

There is no definite answer to this question as the ideal size varies from one person to another. While this is the case, it doesn’t mean you can’t find the ideal size swimming pool for you. To do it, you need to work with your pool contractors and consider these factors:

Your tastes

Your tastes will go a long way towards guiding you on the right size of swimming pool you should go for. If you love large swimming pools, you should go for them and vice versa.

When it comes to swimming pool styles, there are plenty of them you can go for. The most popular ones are:

Easy set/inflatable above ground pools

They are the most popular, and you will see them almost everywhere. After buying them, inflate the top ring, then begin filling them. As you add water, the top will begin to float, allowing the walls to expand into their ideal size.

Steel frame above ground pool

The pool comes with a steel frame consisting of a top rail, footing, and bracing. The frame components snap together with pins providing the structure with a wall/liner.

Traditional above ground pool

These are the permanent pools you see in backyards. They usually have metal, a resin frame, or a combination of metal and resin. The unique thing with these pools is they have a separate liner and wall.

Semi in-ground pool

Although they are semi in-ground, you can also install them as above ground where you can partially or completely bury them. They are similar to traditional above ground pools, the only difference being they come with a fully insulated wall panel.

There is no right or wrong pool you can install in your home. It’s all about your tastes and preferences.


How big is your backyard? This will greatly influence the size of the pool you should go for. Even if you might want the largest pool in your area, it might not be possible if your yard isn’t large enough.

When installing the pool, leave at least 6 feet beyond the pool diameter. You also should leave space to walk around the outside of the pool, so you shouldn’t install it right up against fences or walls.


The other thing that will influence the size of the swimming pool to install is your budget. As you are planning your budget, don’t just think about the cost of installing the pool—also think about the cost of maintaining the pool.

Think about the cost of filling the pool, electricity costs, and cleaning the pool, among many other things. Remember, the bigger the pool, the higher the installation cost, and the more expensive it is to maintain.


You might have a large budget, a large backyard, but these aren’t enough to warrant you to install a large swimming pool—you need to think about the use of the pool.

If you live alone and simply jump in the pool to cool off, a smaller pool is enough. On the other hand, if you have kids and other people living with you, you can install a larger pool.

You also should consider installing a large pool if you entertain a lot and love having pool parties.

Safety should be of utmost importance.

Regardless of whether you install a large or small pool, pool safety should always be at the top of your mind. Work with experienced swimming pool builders Long Island and construct a pool that meets your needs and safe for children, pets, and everyone living in your homestead.

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