What Is A Good Size Above Ground Swimming Pool?

pool contractors

If you are asking, what is a good size above the ground swimming pool, you must be thinking about installing an above ground swimming pool but not sure the right size you should go for, right?

There is no definite answer to this question as the ideal size varies from one person to another. While this is the case, it doesn’t mean you can’t find the ideal size swimming pool for you. To do it, you need to work with your pool contractors and consider these factors:

Your tastes

Your tastes will go a long way towards guiding you on the right size of swimming pool you should go for. If you love large swimming pools, you should go for them and vice versa.

When it comes to swimming pool styles, there are plenty of them you can go for. The most popular ones are:

Easy set/inflatable above ground pools

They are the most popular, and you will see them almost everywhere. After buying them, inflate the top ring, then begin filling them. As you add water, the top will begin to float, allowing the walls to expand into their ideal size.

Steel frame above ground pool

The pool comes with a steel frame consisting of a top rail, footing, and bracing. The frame components snap together with pins providing the structure with a wall/liner.

Traditional above ground pool

These are the permanent pools you see in backyards. They usually have metal, a resin frame, or a combination of metal and resin. The unique thing with these pools is they have a separate liner and wall.

Semi in-ground pool

Although they are semi in-ground, you can also install them as above ground where you can partially or completely bury them. They are similar to traditional above ground pools, the only difference being they come with a fully insulated wall panel.

There is no right or wrong pool you can install in your home. It’s all about your tastes and preferences.


How big is your backyard? This will greatly influence the size of the pool you should go for. Even if you might want the largest pool in your area, it might not be possible if your yard isn’t large enough.

When installing the pool, leave at least 6 feet beyond the pool diameter. You also should leave space to walk around the outside of the pool, so you shouldn’t install it right up against fences or walls.


The other thing that will influence the size of the swimming pool to install is your budget. As you are planning your budget, don’t just think about the cost of installing the pool—also think about the cost of maintaining the pool.

Think about the cost of filling the pool, electricity costs, and cleaning the pool, among many other things. Remember, the bigger the pool, the higher the installation cost, and the more expensive it is to maintain.


You might have a large budget, a large backyard, but these aren’t enough to warrant you to install a large swimming pool—you need to think about the use of the pool.

If you live alone and simply jump in the pool to cool off, a smaller pool is enough. On the other hand, if you have kids and other people living with you, you can install a larger pool.

You also should consider installing a large pool if you entertain a lot and love having pool parties.

Safety should be of utmost importance.

Regardless of whether you install a large or small pool, pool safety should always be at the top of your mind. Work with experienced swimming pool builders Long Island and construct a pool that meets your needs and safe for children, pets, and everyone living in your homestead.

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What Happens If You Don’t Clean Your Chimney? Chimney Contractors Answer

Chimney Contractors

As a homeowner, you have been hearing you need to clean your chimney regularly. Have you ever asked, what happens if you don’t clean your chimney? Here are some of the things that can occur as given by chimney contractors:

You are at more risk of a chimney fire.

From its name, a chimney fire is a fire that begins in the chimney. When you don’t clean your fireplace for a long time, creosote builds up, leaving highly combustible glazing inside the chimney. When the chimney gets hot, this glazing can easily catch fire that not only burns in the fireplace but also quickly spreads to the other parts of the house.

When you regularly clean your chimney, creosote doesn’t buildup, so you are less likely to have a chimney fire.

You put your life at risk.

When you don’t clean your chimney, your chimney is obstructed by creosote and other materials. As a result, carbon monoxide from the burning wood doesn’t leave the house. What is the consequence of this? You inhale the fumes which compromise your oxygen supply to the brain and body. When you continue inhaling the fumes, you risk death.

Some of the telltale signs you have inhaled copious amounts of carbon monoxide are: dizziness, fainting, nausea, and headaches.

You risk smoke damage.

If you go for a long time without cleaning the chimney, soot accumulates around the flue, which reduces the chimney’s ability to draw the smoke upwards. The smoke then comes back into the house, where it leaves black spots on the furniture, carpeting, and walls.

In some cases, it leads to permanent staining around the chimney giving your house an old, ugly look.

You risk damaging the masonry.

The residue from the burning fuel can cause the masonry to wear out fast, and as a result, you have to undertake expensive repairs. The accumulated soot mixes with water, which produces acids that weaken the mortar and the chimney liners.

Although the process is slow, when you let it go on for a long time, it significantly affects the integrity of your home to the extent of the entire building coming down. When you clean the chimney, you reduce the amount of deposited soot; hence harmful acid is less likely to form.

You increase the chances of the flue getting damaged.

When you regularly clean the chimney, you have an easy time collecting the residues collected on the liner; however, if you let them sit for a long time, they absorb moisture, become tar-like and begin sliding down the flue.

When you run the chimney without cleaning it, the moisture in the mixture will evaporate, leaving a shiny surface without any gaps glued to the flue sides. The flammable substances are challenging to remove in this state, so they gradually reduce the flue diameter, which further compromises your health and your home’s safety.

You should clean your chimney.

As you have seen above, there are plenty of risks that come with failing to clean your chimney. To eliminate the risks, you should have an annual chimney cleaning schedule. You can do the cleaning by yourself, but for ideal results, let a chimney sweep services Bowie handle it.

To reduce the frequency, you have to clean the chimney, watch the type of wood you burn. As a rule of thumb, only burn seasoned wood. You also should avoid burning pressure-treated or painted wood as it will hasten the creosote buildup or even create toxic fumes that are dangerous to your family members.

When it comes to hiring a cleaning professional, ensure they are certified and experienced to provide the services.

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Factors To Consider When Hiring Drain Cleaning Services Providers

Drain Cleaning Services Providers

To keep your drains in top shape, you should clean them regularly. You can do the work yourself, but for best results, hire drain cleaning services providers.

As you are looking for a company to hire, you should note that no two companies are the same. If you aren’t sure about the best company to go for, consider these factors:

The correct equipment for the job

For specialized cleaning, you need to use specialized tools, so you need to use a company with the necessary tools. When hiring, pay attention to the type of equipment the company is using.

A contractor using the right tools not only does the work fast, but he also gets the work done more professionally. The last thing you want is a technician who spends the entire day trying to fix a minor issue because they don’t have the necessary tool on hand.

In addition to the usual plunger and auger, the right company should also have specialized tools such as electric auger and other technical tools.


How long has the company been providing the services?

The experience of the company is of grave importance. Like any other technician, you want to work with a contractor that has been working for a long time. When you are considering the experience of the company, pay attention to their area of specialization.

Some companies specialize in cleaning drains, while others are more experienced in fixing them. Since you are looking for a company to help you with the cleaning, you want a company that is highly experienced in drain cleaning.

Training and certification

Anybody can claim to unclog sewer drains, but only a few technicians are certified to do so. Before you settle on a given contractor, pay attention to their credentials.

Does the local regulatory board certify the contractor? Work with a certified professional as you are sure they are up to date with the latest drain maintenance tips and tricks, so they are more likely to provide you with expert services.

How do you prepare the drains for cleaning?

Most drain services providers you hire will charge you by the hour where the more the time they spend in your home, the more they charge you. To minimize the time they spend and save money, you should prepare for drain cleaning. Some of the things you can do to prepare include:

Have a clear path from the front door to access point: The path should be at least 3 feet wide to allow contractors to easily move their drain cleaning equipment.

Get rid of item around the affected fixtures and access points: Getting rid of the items makes it easy for the plumber to access the problem areas, so they spend less time in your home. You need to clear out items under the sinks that might be having backups.

Get rid of sewage waste: If there is sewage in the areas around the affected unit, you should have it removed before the cleaning professional comes. You should note that the contractor is unable to diagnose and even fix the problems when the access point is buried in sewage.

Parting shot

Hiring the right local drain contractors Westchester isn’t a walk in the park. You need to consider plenty of factors. Even hiring the right company isn’t enough—you need to take your time and prepare the site for cleaning.

To reduce the frequency you hire the service providers, take good care of your drains. Avoid using abrasive products to clean them, avoid dumping the wrong products, and make it a habit to hire experts to inspect the lines.

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Can I Roof My Own Roof Without Hiring Roofing Contractors?

roofing contractors

If your roof is damaged or you are looking to install a new one, you must be wondering, can I roof my own roof? The answer to this question solely depends on you.

Do you have the necessary skills to safely go up the roof and professionally do the job? If you have never done the work before, you should never go up there as you will cause more damage than good. Instead, you should let roofing contractors do the work.

Doing it yourself

If you know what you are doing, you can perform minor repairs such as fixing a leak or repairing or replacing a few shingles.

When you are on the roof, ensure you wear rubber-soled shoes that will prevent you from slipping and have someone else on the ground watching you. To be safe, don’t go up on the roof when it’s cold, windy or rainy.

You should note that even if you have the necessary skills, you need to pay attention to the warranty and insurance. Before you begin working, find out whether the warranty will be voided if you attempt to repair the roof by yourself.

When it comes to insurance, find out whether your homeowner’s insurance policy covers non-professional roof repair. If it doesn’t, future claims for damage may be refused, and you might have issues financing or selling your house.

Outsourcing the risk

Even if you save money by doing the work yourself, DIY roof repair is too risky, so you should have the work done by a licensed contractor. In addition to the professional professionally inspecting and fixing the roof, he brings plenty of other benefits to the table. These benefits include:

Diagnose issues accurately

Provide expert advice on the different repair methods available. For example, the professional will let you know whether you should patch the roof or install a completely new one.

  • Advise you on what to do in the event you uncover unexpected problems.
  • Get the work done fast and more professionally.
  • Help you with getting a building permit.

While there are plenty of contractors you can work with, not all are right for you. To get the best results, work with professionals that have been providing the services for a long time.

Before you hire them, ask them for references of clients they have worked with before. When you get them, don’t be like other homeowners that collect the references and don’t do anything about it.

After getting the contact details, reach out to the clients and get their side. Did they enjoy working with the contractor? Would they recommend the contractor?

Can you cut costs by helping the contractor?

One of the reasons you are considering roofing the house by yourself is because you want to cut some costs. Some contractors can agree to work with you, while others won’t.

Even if the contractor agrees to work with you, when they are working on the skilled parts of the project, you will be more of a liability than an asset as you won’t be doing anything to make the work easier.

If there are areas of the project that don’t require much skill, such as stripping off the old roof, so it’s ready for replacement, you can avoid hiring an extra hand and do the work yourself.

Parting shot

To answer your question about whether you can roof your house, yes, you can do it, but you should know what you are doing. If you have never done it before, let roof repair services providers help you out. For a great experience, ensure the service providers are experienced and have an excellent reputation.

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How Are Area Oriental Rugs Cleaned?

area oriental rugs

With so many ways of cleaning rugs, if you recently bought oriental rugs, you must be wondering, how are area oriental rugs cleaned?

Oriental rugs are made from a variety of materials, including: silk, wool, and cotton. This means you can clean them in different ways, depending on the material used in making them. Some of the ways of cleaning them include:

Vacuuming them

Vacuuming gets rid of dirt and debris from the rug. For best results, vacuum the rug every two weeks. A properly vacuumed rug looks and smells new, giving your house a pleasing look.

Vacuuming the rug is simple. Lay the rug on the ground and vacuum it slowly, removing pet hair, dirt, and any abrasives that might be present. To remove any dirt from the rug, repeat this process at least three times.

When vacuuming, take care to use vacuum cleaners on the fringes as they can get stuck in the sweeper. Also, ensure that you vacuum in the direction of the rug fibers. Not against them.

Sweeping the rug

This is an old method that has been around for a long time. Get a broom with straw bristles and sweep it from one end to the other. Take care not to move the broom back and forth as you may end up damaging the rug.

The purpose of sweeping the rug is to get rid of the dust and give the fibers a refreshed feel.

Shaking the dust away

If the rug doesn’t have a lot of dirt, shaking it can get rid of the little dirt present. Simply take your area rug outside and shake the dirt out. If the rug is too big, use an extra hand.

Some homeowners resort to beating the area rug, but don’t do this as it wears out the rug and even sometimes damages it.

Having a professional clean them.

At least once a year, it’s recommended you have the rug cleaned by a professional. A professionally clean rug is bright, hygienic and retains its look for a long time. If you don’t have the money, you can still clean the rug yourself at home.

Before you begin the cleaning, find out whether the rug bleeds color when submerged in water. If the rug is safe, vacuum/wipe/shake it to remove the dirt.

Spray both sides of the rug with cold water then rinse it with a long-haired soft brush. You can also use a non-shedding sponge. When lathering, do it in the direction of the nap then spray water to remove dirt and detergent.

Once you are done, leave the rug to dry. If in a hurry, use a fan or squeegee to speed things up.

What not to do when cleaning the area rug

Regardless of the nature of the stain, don’t use harsh chemicals to remove it. Some people use vinegar and other chemicals, but you shouldn’t. The acidic nature of vinegar can make the staining worse, so you should stay clear of it.

You also should stay away from harsh cleaning agent that can ruin the rug for good.

As mentioned above, stay away from beating the rug as you will destroy it.

How can you keep the rug in top condition all the time?

Other than cleaning the rug once a week, there are plenty of other things you can do to keep the rug in top condition. Some of these things include:

Spot clean the rug: As soon as a mishap happens, get rid of it as soon as possible. This will prevent the stain from getting deeper and difficult to remove.

Never walk on the rug with shoes: When you walk on your tribal rugs Vienna VA with shoes, you deposit plenty of dirt; hence you have to keep on cleaning them.

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Air Conditioning System Types As Given By Air Conditioner Repair Services

Air Conditioner Repair Services

Is this the first time you are buying an air conditioning system? Choosing the right system for your house can be stressful and confusing.

This is because there are many types of air conditioners in the market that you might be confused about the right one to go for. According to air conditioner repair services providers, the most common air conditioning systems are:

Window air conditioner

They are the most popular types of air conditioners. Their unique feature is the enclosement of the evaporator, cooling coil, expansion valve, coil, compressor, and condenser.

From their name, you place them in a window where you install them by creating a hole in an exterior wall. You can do the work if you have the skills, but for best results, let an expert help you out.

You will find window air conditioners in apartments and single-level homes. They come in different sizes and designs, and all you need to do is to choose those that are right for you. When making the purchase, remember that the bigger the appliance, the more the air it will generate.

While the appliances are great, their capabilities are limited by their size and static location. Homeowners try to get around this limitation by using multiple window units.

When you install an air conditioner on each level of the house, then use a fan to circulate the air, you keep the house cool and comfortable.

Central air conditioning

You will find these in larger homes. This is due to their high-efficiency levels. The air conditioners circulate cool air through the supply and return ducts located in the wall or floor. Once the air gets warm, it circulates back into the supply ducts and registers where it’s then transported back into the air conditioner.

The appliance is made up of two parts: the condensing unit located outside the house and the evaporative unit located next to the furnace. The two units are connected through the refrigerant tubing.

The condensing unit is responsible for generating the cool air propelled into the evaporative unit. The evaporative unit then pushes the cool air throughout the house using the furnace duct system.

Due to the way the system works, we can say that it’s the best way of distributing cool air throughout the house. To buy the right appliance, take the time to visit different stores, and see what they have to offer. If you aren’t sure how to pick the right unit, ask an experienced contractor to guide you through.

Portable air conditioner

As you might guess, this is a small, single-self-contained appliance that you can easily wheel into a room and position it on the floor. A hose vent discharges the hot air from the house through an exterior wall or window.

While the appliances are noisy, they are excellent solutions for temporary cooling.

Air source heat pumps

Heat pumps are an energy-efficient and low maintenance cooling solution for homes with ductwork. Unlike other cooling systems that burn fuel to cool the house, heat pumps use electricity to move warm and cool air around the house.

During summer, the appliances concentrate the warm air within the house and dump it outside. In winter, they bring in more concentrated air from the outside and deliver it into the home.

While the heat pumps are expensive to buy and install, they are often highly energy-efficient and easy to maintain, so you end up saving a lot of money in the long run.

There are two principal types of heat pumps: air-source and geothermal heat pumps. Work closely with your commercial air conditioning repair Smithtown professional and settle on the right appliance for your house.

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Refrigerator Ice Maker Repair: Tips On How To Properly Maintain The Ice Maker

refrigerator ice maker repair

Whether you have a basic or luxurious fridge model, you have to take good care of the ice maker. Here are expert tips given by refrigerator ice maker repair professionals on how to keep the ice makers in tip-top shape:

Keep it clean

Ice makers turn water into ice cubes, so it might sound absurd to have to clean them. Ice makers are just like any other appliance handling food items. Unsanitary conditions will promote germ growth, which puts you at a great health risk.

To avoid this, periodically sanitize your ice maker. Luckily, there are plenty of products on the market that you can go for. Fridges with in-built ice makers and water dispensers don’t require rigorous sanitization.

Despite this, it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean them at least once every month. To do this, unplug the refrigerator and empty both the freezer and fresh food sections.

You should then wipe down or hand-wash the interior surfaces using mild soap and warm water. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive tools. Before you return any item, ensure that it’s fully dry.

In addition to the inside, you also should pay attention to the outside of the refrigerator. This will not only keep the ice maker looking great, but it also will prevent dirt and stains from building up. To clean the outside of the refrigerator use a damp piece of cloth and get rid of all dried spills. If the dirt isn’t coming out, use soap and warm water to remove it.

Change the filters

Modern fridges that come equipped with ice makers have a water filtration system. The systems pass water through an activated charcoal filter that removes the common tap water impurities.

Many standalone ice makers rely on air filters to filter the water. These appliances simply improve the water flavor and odor, while a few others simply sort out the volatile organic compounds.

You can’t make quality ice from dirty water, so you should regularly inspect the air filters and replace them if dirty. To avoid forgetting to replace the filters at the right time, keep a record. For optimal performance, change the air filters every three or six months.

Descale the refrigerator

Unless you have a reverse osmosis system, your fridge will experience calcium deposits. Standalone machines produce more calcium deposits, which are more problematic.

When you don’t remove the deposits early enough, they damage the machine parts hence significantly reducing the lifespan of the appliance. The best way of going about it is descaling the appliance regularly.

Different ice machines require different descaling solutions, so you should consult your manual and confirm the right way to do it.

Give your unit enough room to breathe

Do you have a standalone ice machine? You should provide it with proper ventilation for it to function optimally. Some machines have vents on the bottom edges allowing cool air to enter on the right side and warm air to leave through the left.

When installing your unit, take care not to obstruct the venting.

Get rid of clogs as soon as they come about

Refrigerator ice makers are the most notorious for developing clogs. Over time, the ice dispenser chute will jam due to smashed ice particles and ice.

If you have a new fridge model with an in-door ice maker, you can quickly fix the problem even without requiring the services of a refrigerator repair Springfield professional. All you need to do is to remove the ice bin and any stuck cubes.

You should then use a warm, damp cloth to clean the bottom of the bin and ice chute.

Do you have an old refrigerator with ice makers located in the freezer? Hire a professional to help you investigate the source of the problem and fix it.

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Tree Removal Services: Golden Tips On How to Cut Down a Small Tree

tree removal services

Whether a small tree is sick or obstructing your way, you have to bring it down. You can hire a tree removal services provider to help you with the removal or handle the work yourself. Either way, you have to observe several tips. Here are tips on how to remove a small tree:

Get the materials ready

You can’t remove the tree without the necessary equipment in place. You need an axe, chainsaw, stump grinders, and crosscut saw.

You also need personal protection equipment such as head protection, hearing protection, eye/face protection, and UL approved chain saw chaps.

Put plans in place

It’s disastrous to bring down even the smallest trees without a plan. Before you even begin, you need to know the direction the tree will fall.

Ensure the tree doesn’t fall on flowers, crops, or house. There should be a space large enough for the tree to fall comfortably without damaging anything.

Keep the base clear

To have an easy time cutting the tree, keep the base clear of any debris. This calls for you to get rid of falling and decaying leaves. You also should cut the grass and any other thing you find around the base of the tree.

Also, having better access to the tree, clearing the base prevents you from tripping when in the tree cutting process.

Ensure the saw is safe

You can cut a small tree using an ax or machete, but for convenience, use a saw. For peace of mind, ensure the saw is safe enough for use. Ensure you have a chain brake, throttle lock, chain catch, and spark muffler. The saw should also be properly maintained.

Before you start the cutting, carefully go through the saw. If you come across a damaged area, don’t cut the tree until you have fixed it.

Have an escape plan

Some people take small trees for granted as they feel they can’t hurt them. You should note that a tree, regardless of how small, can kill you, so always exercise caution when cutting it.

Before you begin the cutting, choose the directing the tree will fall. This should be the direction the tree naturally leans, away from property or animals.

The escape path should be the opposite of the fall and at a 45-degree angle. In addition to clearing the debris around the base, also get rid of loose branches overhead that might block your vision.

Make a 70-degree cut

With the tree on your left and your left shoulder against the tree, make a 70-degree cut on the side facing the direction you want the tree to fall. If your saw has a felling sight on its housing, use it to your advantage.

Pointing the sight in the direction you want the tree to fall helps you to cut the tree at the right location. Cut the tree to a depth of about a quarter of the tree’s diameter.

For the next cut, turn the saw sideways and cut horizontally until you meet the first cut, and create a notch. Ensure the two cuts meet.

To fall the tree, move to the opposite side and make a horizontal cut slightly above the previous cut.

You should saw until you have enough room to insert a wedge into the cut, then drive the wedge in and complete the cut while ensuring you don’t touch the wedge with the blade.

Tree removal companies Montgomery County advise against cutting through the cut. Leave at least 10% of the width as a hinge. When the tree begins to fall, move down your escape path.

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6 Secretes To Cutting The Cost Of Your Home Remodel Project

home remodel

We always want the best looking house. Unfortunately, not all of us have the budget to achieve it. Luckily, there are several things you can do to reduce your home remodel cost. Some of these things include:

Have a budget

Everything begins here. Just as you can’t shoot in the dark, you can’t start your project without knowing how much you are looking to spend.

If this is the first time doing the remodeling, have a sitting with an experienced contractor who will help you in coming up with the amount of money you should expect to pay for lighting, flooring, countertops, appliances, and any other parts of the project.

When making the budget, allot some of the money for unexpected expenses. Renovation contractors say that the simple act of having a budget will save you up to 10% of the money you were looking to spend.

Pay in cash

It might sound simple, but it saves you a lot of money compared to when you take a loan or put the cost on a credit card. This is because, with a loan or credit card, you end up paying interest.

So, for you to save money, avoid covering the costs in debt. If you can’t afford your renovation project now, put it off until a later date when you can pay in cash.

You also should think about ways to trim your budget so you save money to cover your project.

Do it yourself

If you have had a project before, you will agree that the contractor takes a substantial part of the budget. If you have handled renovation projects previously, you most likely have the skills, so you should go ahead and try to remodel the house by yourself, but if you have never done it before, don’t damage your renovation materials—let an expert handle it.

Even if you have the best skills, you should note that there are several things you can’t do by yourself as you aren’t licensed. For example, you can’t fix the electrical work or move utility lines.

Save money on materials

Most of the renovation materials don’t come cheap. Luckily, there are several ways you can reduce the cost.

One of these ways is recycling and reusing them. You can also buy new and gently used building materials, furniture, home accessories, and other appliances from habitat restores.

You can also find free or cheap materials from online sites. Are there flea markets or building-supply auctions in your area? Visit them, and you will find materials selling at meager prices.

Have you worked with a contractor before that you are still in good terms with? Ask them for odd-and-ends that have been left from the other jobs.

Time your project

Did you know when you have your project has a significant impact on the amount of money you pay? Summer is a busy month, so you are likely to pay the contractor more at this time. To save money, hire a contractor to work in winter.

At this time, most of the contractors are idle; hence they will not only charge you less, but also start working on your project as soon as possible.

Watch the contractor you hire

Even if you are looking for a cheap contractor, you don’t want to hire just any that you come across. You don’t want a contractor that will do a shoddy job that you will have to repeat after a short while.

To avoid this, take your time to find affordable but knowledgeable contractors. You can hire retail store contractors DC or any other experienced professionals you know of

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6 Signs Your Fireplace Needs Chimney Repair

chimney repair

Many homeowners have the impression that the fireplace is exceptionally durable and doesn’t require repair, but this isn’t the case. Fortunately, according to chimney repair professionals, the chimney gives clear signs that it needs repair. These signs are:

Damaged motor joints

While you have to get to the rooftop to spot the damaged joints, when you notice them, you should fix them immediately. This is because failing joints accelerate the rate at which the chimney gets damage.

The cracks allow a lot of moisture to get into the chimney. When water gets into the small cracks in the masonry, it can enlarge the cracks due to freezing and thawing.

If you don’t fix it soon enough, it’s only a matter of time before the entire chimney comes crumbling down.

Spalling bricks

Bricks are porous. Over time, it’s common for moisture to penetrate the brick masonry and begin to break it apart. Just like when the chimney mortar has joint damage, the condition gets worse in cold weather when the moisture freezes in the bricks.

Spalling (breaking apart of the brick masonry) is brought about by several factors such as:

  • Using a high-powered pressure washer when cleaning your chimney
  • Aging brick in old homes
  • Extreme weather conditions
  • Low-quality components such as those used in pre-fabricated homes.
  • Age

Just like when having damaged motor joints, you should fix the spalling problem as soon as you notice it. You don’t want your chimney falling on you, do you?

White staining

White stains are a telltale sign of moisture damage on your chimney. As you can tell, cleaning the significant white stains isn’t enough. You need to prevent the moisture from getting into the stones.

If you have the skills, you can do it by yourself, but if you have never done it before, ask a chimney technician to clean the chimney surface, then coat it with a water-resistant sealant.

The sealant will waterproof your chimney keeping off the moisture and staining problems.

Rusted damper

A rusted damper means you are having a lot of moisture in your chimney. In addition to it giving your fireplace an ugly look, a rusted damper also becomes difficult to operate. It also doesn’t seal properly.

The moisture also creates a wide range of problems, including cracking of the flue tiles, cracked or deteriorated flue lining, and many others.


Inside the chimney is a flue liner that protects the brick and your home from heat. It also directs airflow up and out of the house. If you start noticing thin slices of chimney tile in your fireplace, you have a damaged flue.

A damaged flue is no joke. This is because when it gets damaged, it dramatically compromises fireplace safety, which puts you and your family at great danger of chimney fire.

It’s hard to detect the problem early enough; therefore, by the time you are noticing it, the chimney has already had substantial damage. To protect yourself, contact a CSIA-certified chimney sweep to inspect your chimney immediately and fix the flue.

Visible cracks

While they might seem as unmistakable signs of chimney problems, you will be shocked by the number of people that ignore them. Don’t be one of them.

Cracks are a big deal, and you have a reason to be worried when you see them. The cracks let in moisture, which puts your chimney at the risk of having a leakage and freezing problem.

You don’t want the chimney falling on your family, do you? When you notice the cracks, contact experienced chimney contractors Bowie to check out the cracks.

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